Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Thrift Takes A Wrong Turn

I'm a thrifty person and when I was plotting economical ways to cover my back lawn with bricks I didn't have and wasn't planning to buy, my first thought was to check Kijiji, a good place to find free almost-anythings.

A nice lady promptly responded, offering me a large complement of pavers she wanted removed from her walkways. Pavers are like bricks but have square corners.

I hired someone to go dig up and collect the pavers, bring them here, unload them and stack them round in the back yard.

There they are in the picture--waiting for the next step.

I hired someone to start the process. He knew as much as I did--you just dig out a little bit, slap in the pavers and fill the joins with the dirt you dug up. Easy.

Then a professional person happened by my yard soon after we got started. Coincidence?
I rather believe a family intervention was taking place.

Anyway, quickly the pavers are uprooted and a professional crew came in to grade, lay down a bed of crushed stone, pound it down and then, only then, did the brand new just-purchased- from- a- brick yard bricks go into place. Followed by just-purchased sand to fill the spaces.

I guess you can see that my thrift wasn't well thought out.

I had to hire someone to take the now aging pavers from the back to the front and stack them neatly on the driveway while I figured out how to get rid of them. They stacked them directly in front of the garage door so the car lost its shelter for a couple of weeks.

An ad in Kijiji brought us someone eager to take the pavers away.

Moral of this story? Let's see, free pavers, pay for labor to bring here and set in, then pay someone to un-set and stack them around the front, and then we have the hiring of professionals to do the job with brand new bricks and sand.

Have I learned my lesson?

We'll see

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