For a couple of days it was treacherous to step from the deck to the terrace.
Whoom! Sparrows chattering at me from all directions and warning me to mind my manners. The nest is in the center of the picture.
Okay, I get it--they're building a nest in the arbor right above the steps.
If I knew how to Photo Shop, I would have drawn some squiggles to show you where the nest is located. But I haven't and I can't so it's in the upper left side of the arbor.
Yesterday I saw six or seven sparrows perched near the nest as I passed through; they remained quiet.
Today, not a sound. Or a peep. I wonder if they decided I wasn't trainable. I thought I was behaving, I really did.
I guess in a day or so I'll know for sure if the nest is occupied.
I was really looking forward to babies peeping out from that nest.
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