Friday, July 15, 2011

The Challenge Of An Empty Wall

At first the deck wall was short. Really, really short. See the grey-ish boards at the lower level? That's how high it was.
Picture this--you step out of your kitchen onto your deck and directly in front of you is your neighbor stepping out of her kitchen onto her deck.
This works if you and your neighbor are over-the-top friendly and itching to chat but honestly, I prefer to be separated by a tall screen.

Son#3 came to visit, and since he is a carpenter it seemed just wrong not to get him on his feet and working to create a taller wall to screen out--well--people.
And a fine he job he did.

Having decks side-by-side, which incidentally is apparently not to code, you have to pretend you're alone. It doesn't help when the people on the other side smoke a lot but it beats sitting on a steel fire escape outside your fourth-floor walk-up.
Bear with me--I've been thinking a lot about the novel, "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn," and it reminds me how lucky I am to even have a house of my own.

What I started out to say was--did you notice that enticingly blank space on the wall? I keep that blank space in mind on my travels. I'm still searching for another junk yard to find a round, flat steel something that would bring that area to life.

Meanwhile, each garbage pick-up day I'll scout the discards and something will pop out, begging me to lug it home.

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