Friday, July 29, 2011

My Kitchen Table Exploded.

I thought a huge brick had been hurled through the window and I cautiously entered the kitchen to find it wasn't a brick--the glass top had really and truly exploded into fine powder-like crystals.

How does this happen?

Had I had been in the room I would have needed E.R. assistance and a child would have suffered a worse enounter.

Mine is not the only to suffer this crazy upset. I couldn't get the link to work but try this: Arvada woman says Martha Stewart table exploded for no reason

1 comment:

Lovey Dovey said...

I'm glad that you weren't in the room when the table exploded. Still it must have scared you. This heat wave is doing some real damage!!
A similar thing happened with our old glass coffee table. Aaron had put a hot tv dinner down on it and the whole corner broke off in a neat piece. It was a good excuse to get rid of it before the kids arrived.