Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Rise and Fall of The Sunflower

Sunflower was looking happy and perky at its station right alongside two bird feeders.

Admittedly that was a planting mistake; birds just love sunflower seeds so naturally they munch happily and thank me for placing it in such a convenient spot.

It look pretty dejected here but I hope it understands I meant nothing personal.

Munch on, birdies.


Lovey Dovey said...

At least the birds left the flower itself. A few years ago mom had some sunflowers and the squirrels ripped the flower right off the stem. It hadn't even produced any seeds yet!

J.P. said...

Squirrels are a menace to gardens.
I watched one spring while they tore the heads off all my tulips.
That's their idea of fun.