Saturday, November 12, 2011

Time For Settling In

Two things you can count on--pansies will be the last to pack it in for the winter and grass will endure forever.
I lost interest in weeding around late summer, so the grass weaseled its way in where it could..
Next season I think I'll give the pansies their own showcase; they ask for so little and give their all.
As for the grass, well, I'll just keep adding more brick "lawns."

Dove has been sitting outside for years, providing silent companionship for the neighboring cat that likes to nap on the ledge.

This is my variegated dogwood; in the summer it has nice leaves and scraggly flowers but in the winter the branches turn vivid red and look fantastic against the white snow.
The red leaves here actually belong to the bush behind it, in the neighbor's yard. Still, it's a nice effect when everything is settling in for the winter.

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