Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Is There A Plastic Lid Thief in The House?

They have to go somewhere, right?  We store them away and then a genie takes over. You go for the appropriate lid when your container is filled and the lid is missing. Gonzo.

I live alone so I can't blame someone else for spiriting it away, although I do anyway.
I just know it's gone and It wasn't my doing.

So here's my new system--it takes up a lot of space but it is pretty well fool-proof. Snap on the lids immediately after cleaning and store container on the shelf.

Now let's see if the lids can make a break for it.

And down here in the oven drawer are the orphan lids and non-matching orphan containers. The matching parts will show up eventually, right?

So far so good.

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