Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Shed Gets An Overcoat

A metal shed is an asset for storage but it ranks zero on the attractiveness scale.
Mine stood out like the proverbial sore thumb and to soften the effect I planted a vine against the wall.
What I had in mind was a miniature version of a stately though miniature English manor, thick with ivied walls.
Beginning with soft green netting fastened securely, I guided the vine toward its helper, but apparently mine was a shy vine and it hid itself behind the netting, squishing it's way upward.
It got stuck at the roof join but eventually found a way to wiggle its way  up and over.

The bird feeder was in its path and vine was up to the challenge; it slowly crept inside and up the walls, found a small opening on the roof and popped up and out.

That wasn't what I had in mind and the stately English manor look was gonzo.The picture pretty well tells the story--my plan failed.
Inside the shed, the interloper was having fun apparently trying to make space for a sun roof.
My clippers made short work of that little caper.

As it re-sprouts next spring, I'll give it a continuous brush cut to keep it in order and the netting will be loosened a lot.

Either that or I'll have a roofless shed.

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