Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hark--Who Lives There?

                                              See that big nest in the centre of the tree?


I thought it was inhabited by either grackles or squirrels and sometimes I suspected it might be a house full of noisy vultures.

In the summer when the tree is enveloped in thick leaves I can't see who goes in or comes out but at what must be feeding time, it's loud, a bunch  of hungry- little- mouths loud.

I did some  Googling and chances are it's a squirrels nest.

Squirrels are not garden-friendly little rodents-- they snap the heads off tulips just because they can and they shove the birds out of the way while the hang from any available post near the feeders, like flexible licorice sticks and eat to their heart's content.

I don't know what they do in the winter; there are always a few around but most of the population disappear for a while but they'll be back. They always come back.

I was kind of hoping for a thousand hummingbirds or something spectacular but you can't choose your neighbors.

Anyway, the puzzle of who lives in the nest is solved.

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