Saturday, July 2, 2005

I'm On Dry Land

I'm rapidly going into swimming pool withdrawal.

Over the years I've bought and sold a few houses with pools and I'm used to having one around. I don't swim but nobody's perfect.

There's no pool in my new back yard; just the hippo,in drydock.

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When I moved to this smaller place last fall, I had in the back of my mind that somehow I could manage to get an above-ground but I finally got the hang of the word, "downsize." That means forget the pool. It's much, much cheaper not to own a pool and probably you live longer not having to worry about what will go wrong next.

Instead, I have the garden to play with and there is the fishpond with five quickly growing little sweeties. At least there should be five; these days I only see four at a time. He's probably there unless the millions of neighboring rabbits are fish-eaters.
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1 comment:

~~ Melissa said...

Here missing fishy-fish, come to Mama!