Thursday, July 21, 2005

Canadian, eh?

We are forever struggling here in Canada to maintain our identity and not get enmeshed in the American culture south of us.

We like us as we are, eh?

A good example is a popular Canadian TV series called “Corner Gas”. It’s the weekly tale of the residents of the Prairie town Dog Creek and the action centers around the one gas station and small cafe next door.

The show is shot in Rouleau, Saskatchewan (population 450).

There isn’t a hell of a lot to do in Dog Creek do but they do manage to fill their days with quiet humor.

My son Mike and his family just visited the imaginary Dog Creek set to watch a segment "Corner Gas" being taped and photographed themselves in front of the major sets, the gas station and sandwich bar.
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Here is a scene in progress. the actor on the right is Eric Peterson, an incredibly gifted character actor.
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The two men in the center below are key players. The stocky one in black is Brent Butt, the star and one the show's creators.
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Shows like this are my security blanket--may they last forever.

1 comment:

Steven said...

Okay, someone has to say it. It's 'Dog River'. I wouldn't want you to get mail on this.

Personally, I think that the fact that we don't really know who we are as a Country just helps us get along with the World better. Hey, I just remembered; I left my maple sugar in your fridge!