Sunday, July 10, 2005

If July Could Last Forever

In these parts, the month of June is generally unsettled weather and you get the garden together when you can.

Then comes July; the worst of the scut work is done and you can relax, knowing there is at least another full month of summer ahead.

You never really notice how beautiful the wild flowers are unless you have the camera along. Then the eyes see things differently.
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This is almost the last of the farmland around our north end of town and the builders keep on building.
I keep wondering--who will occupy these houses and where do they come from?

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People living here can and do commute to work in Toronto while in this area there is a burgeoning high tech industry along with a couple of universities.

We still have the best of both worlds; we are still considered "country" but close enough to large cities. Judging by the bulding boom, this bucolic charm will soon end.

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