Sunday, July 3, 2005

Happy birthday Mike

Number five son has a birthday today.

Right this minute he and Lorrie are taking turns driving from Kitchener to Hafford, Saskatchewan where his in-laws have a farm. Hafford is an hour or so west of Saskatoon.

They have this summer trekking down to a science. At 2am the first day, they load the three comotose kids into the van and get in as much driving as they can before breakfast. In mid afternoon they stop at a pre-booked hotel and work off all that pent up energy in the pool.

Next morning, they're up before dawn and on the road again.

We had his birthday celebration before he left and gave him a car fridge for the trip. Here he is with his number one son.
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I'd tell you about his adorable childhood but he will return and I'd have to face him.

Happy birthday Mike. You are a treasure.

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