Monday, July 4, 2005

Hey Steve

My son Steve, the intrepid traveller/carpenter is on the west coast right now.

I know he will return some time because his tools are in my basement; I am banking on this.

Have you noticed Steve that west coasters grow moss on the north side of their bodies? It's a known fact.

Oh sure, there is still some magnificent forest that the loggers and politicians haven't managed to destroy yet. And everywhere you look there are beautiful mountains, some of which have not yet been strip mined.

But think of what you're missing in the east. Here is your favorite jogging trail as it looked this morning.
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And here's my favorite spot, the swamp.
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Well, yes, the swamp is bone dry at the moment and the geese have temporarily left for wetter accommodation, but it does have its own hardy beauty.

We miss you Steve.


Steven said...

I miss you too Mom. But this has been a wonderful journey. I feel I have lived a lifetime in the last nine months. And our family is so beautiful. Wait til you see my movies.

~~ Melissa said...

I think Steve took the water with him. Just a hunch. ;-)