Wednesday, June 29, 2005

While the Mice Have Their Backs Turned...

The cats are settling in very well. They appear to sleep most of the day but as I move from room to room, so do they; I just don't see it happen. Perhaps they sleep walk.
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What is clear is that they do move about during the day. Harry’s collar went missing and I tore the place apart looking for it. He seemed interested in the search and when I'd given up, it appeared smack in the middle of the kitchen floor.
I swear Harry smirked.

The freshly cut roses were arranged in a bowl on the coffee table. I scarcely had time to leave the room before the vase was empty and the roses were strewn everywhere.

In the bathroom some unidentified culprit yanked on the toilet paper until it was off the roll and neatly piled on the floor.

It’s only a matter of time before they learn to write blogs.


Steven said...

I'm actually wearing that shirt Harry is sleeping on in that picture. But I don't mind sharing. I'm glad you're all having fun while I'm gone Squiddy.

bozoette said...

Of course he smirked! Cats love to play practical jokes -- they're a superior species after all. And don't they know it.