Friday, June 3, 2005

Steve's Career Change

My son Steve flew to Thailand at the peak of Canadian winter so that he could contemplate his future and when the Ontario snow disappeared and Bangkok temperatures soared into the high 40’s C, he returned.

Now he needs some quiet time to see if he can make a living at writing instead of carpentry and we have worked out a barter: his carpentry talents in exchange for food and shelter, leaving him plenty of important writing time.

Anything he does is done with total commitment and the energy of ten strong men.

Each morning after breakfast, we sit down with our planners and discuss the day. We prioritize my creative list of construction/repair needs, then he takes the rest of the morning to write and devotes himself to my list after lunch.
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I am in down-to-earth heaven right now, not having to worry about the things I can't do myself and as we're both loners at heart we don't have to chit chat unless we're in the mood.

There wasn't a front step and the step down was a killer. Now there's a front step.
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New deck entry steps.
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Attaching planters to the side wall.
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Cutting the deck stairs.
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He took time for a coffee break after digging in the new pond.
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At the end of the day he returns to his laptop and writes. Stay tuned.
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~~ Melissa said...

Looks like desperate measures in an attempt to be your favourite. Ha ha ha. Let him keep working for that unattainable goal. Mwah ha haha. And send him over here, will ya?

J.P. said...

Sure, just as soon as we whittle the to-do list down to 1,000 items.

Steven said...

p.melissa: I want you to know that when I'm famous I will still remember the little people, like you, who made it all possible.

bozoette said...

Could I rent Steve for just a little while after you and p are done with him? My husband is not all that handy, unfortunately. Good thing he's cute. ;-)

bozoette said...

My husband, that is. Although Steve is too.

J.P. said...

Okay Bozoette--when do we see your guy?
Steve is there for all to see.