Friday, March 2, 2012

It's March

Okay people, time to get excited. It's March, on the way to summer.

This picture may look like the same old to you, but I see nothing but promise.
The pond and six fish made it through (I'm guessing but we won't burst my bubble).

The raised beds are soon going to be stuffed full of veggies and that round bed in front of the raised ones--well, I see a border of primroses. Can't get primroses out of my dreams, so they're in.

Time to think about getting the seeds started and shaking out last year's geraniums in the bag and potting them.

Here's the center bed. Those skinny sticks are shrubs and since I don't keep notes I can't remember what kind of shrubs. I know they will bloom before long and I will be surprised and delighted with my choice.

I know that March comes with all sorts of weather surprises but we're on our way and I'm a happy camper.

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