Saturday, April 16, 2005

The Annual Ritual

Last week one of my morning walks had a touch of drama.

As I wound my way on the trail around the evil-looking swampy pond I heard the Canada Geese screeching loudly and angrily. It sounded like a public meeting on same sex marriage.
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Judging by their behavior I was the object of their anger but what on earth had I done? I had walked this route before and they never cared.

I stood there puzzled by the commotion. Before I could turn around, close behind me I heard angry bird-honking followed by ominously close flapping of wings and two Geese sailed over my head close enough to ruffle my hair. They landed several feet in front of me and did their version of angry fist-shaking. I nervously skirted past them and ran home.

I figured it must be mating season and at least in this bird world, all signs of normalcy are off. They are cranky, cranky critters and it’s best to avoid them and any area that might harbor a nest.

This morning I felt brave so, camera in hand,I decided to recreate the scene for my blog and set off to the evil pond to scout out a couple of meanies.
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Well, all I can say is the mating ritual must be going very well indeed because the Geese are all like pussycats today. Happy, obliging, and just plain boring. Even the swamp looked downright peaceable.
“Hey birds,” I snarled. “Let’s have some nasty action.” Purr, purr.
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This rotten little beast lead the way along the path and wouldn’t have minded if I pelted him with rocks and no I didn’t.

I checked out the swampy pond and same thing. “Oh hi, girl. Did you come to take our pictures?”

Wait until next year. Or does mating season happen more than once in the summer? I’ll be ready.

1 comment:

bozoette said...

We have those gooseys all over our neighborhood too. Mostly they just glare at me when I walk, but they can be downright nasty when they have babies to protect!