Monday, May 30, 2005

My Mind Isn't I Home Yet

During our brief flirtation with England we saw lots of rowhouses like these and they are the stuff of my dreams and hugely expensive. We peeked in as many windows as we could and they were just as charming inside.
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On the other hand, this is the London city hall. Makes you wonder what they were thinking.
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I had to have an indoor shot of Burger King. Melissa had scratched a card and won free fries so now she’ll have to travel a long way back to collect on them. The interiors are not the cookie cutter kind we’re used to. This one has two floors and the washrooms (argh) were on this top floor. No elevator and steep stairs. Better than one Macdonald’s we visited where it cost twelve pee to pee.
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This shot is of the first underground platform I encountered, although it wasn't unerground as you can see by the skylights. Harry Potter lives.
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Our main object was to tour gardens and these are part of Hampton Court Palace gardens. We visited in the only rain we encountered but they were worth the damp tour.
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We were getting bone-chilled and weary so we stopped in the tearoom for scones and tea. English scones could do serious damage if dropped on one’s toe but you can’t beat them for comfort food. Total cost for the two of us was $18.07 Canadian.
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Nobody can beat the Brits for their pageantry, bless them. This was a shot of the Queen on her way back to the palace after opening parliament. Take my word for it, there is a Queen in that coach. We were surrounded by a zillion Bobbies, snipers on rooftops and Uzi-toting soldiers. Cozy.
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1 comment:

Steven said...

Those scones do look appetizing just the same Squiddy...
Beautiful pictures.