Tuesday, May 17, 2005

I'm In Love

We return to Canada tomorrow and I am leaving my heart here--despite the unholy prices.

I will never figure out the pecking order for passing people on the sidewalk. some walk on the left, some on the right and some dead center. The trick is not to get mashed or tossed onto the road with traffic hurtling by two inches from the curb.

We watched the Queen ride by in her coach this morning, on her way to open parliament. We think Tony Blair was in the coach behind her--it looked like him.

We have done all the tourist things and don't regret a minute.

I love it when the voice over the P.A. system on the subway, says "alight from the train" when we would say "get off."

Then, when you're about to step off the subway, there is a gap big enough for a Yorkshire terrier to fall through, never mind the thirteen-inch drop to the platform. That's when the voice says, "Mind the gap."

There is no such thing as a cheap meal, although we have given it a good try.
Tonight for our last meal here we will just go into a restaurant and throw ourselves into the system. Macdonalds's will miss us but we won't miss them.

What an unbelievable week of walking over tombs hundreds of years old and visiting castles.

We saw very little of the other side--the poverty and homelessness.It's there but our hotel seems to be in a relatively affluent area.

Tomorrow we return to our real world and we'll miss this one.

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