Friday, May 20, 2005

Ah, Those Elusive English Gardens

Our reason for traveling to England was to cram in as many visits to English gardens as we could manage in one week.

We planned to base ourselves in a London hotel and take daily out-of-town bus trips until we were sated with the beauty and lushness of the gardens we longed to see.

Only thing is, the weather there is exactly like the weather here at this time of year so very little was in bloom. The tulips and bluebells were out and some azaleas, the wisteria was plentiful but that’s about it.

We managed to get our fix by taking a tour bus to the Cotswolds with hour-long stop-overs in three towns, where we wandered through the winding lanes and peered over privacy walls, digital cameras at the ready.

This is one of a small row of attached houses and they were begining to ready their entryway.Image hosted by

This was a pretty front garden bordered by a dry-stone wall, quarried locally from way back in time.Image hosted by

There is wisteria everywhere, some with trunks as thick as a wrestler's arms. I wish it would grow for me that way. Image hosted by

This house is perched beside the river. I'd be happy to move right in.
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Another day we visited Windsor Castle and this garden was a delight. I don't envy them cutting the lawn.
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If I can just think of a way to return in a month's time, the gardens will be bursting into summer bloom.

There's always the lottery--after all, someone always wins. Why not me?

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