Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My New Roomie

My grandson Ben is a twenty-one year old college student whose  serious  health problems sidelined him for a while and when he was recovering he came to stay for a week.

Seven months later he's still here and we both like the arrangement.
It turns out that we get along well and  the house is adapting to two people.

The guest bathroom is his and very soon it resembled what I imagine a YMCA change room looks like. I didn't have the stamina to take a "before" shot before  this cart  was resurrected from the basement to hold the small stuff.  Now order is restored and I don't get antsy when a female guest heads for this room.

The basement has turned into a gym

The laundry/sewing room is also a computer room now. My computer area upstairs is sacrosanct.

The hall closet (guest side) is full of sneakers and hoodies and never an extra hanger when you need one

The study closet used to contain office supplies. Now it holds off-season clothing and the office supplies are stacked neatly on shelves shoved into the corner to the right of the door.
The former sewing room is  now Ben's room and the closet is all his.

Before Ben arrived, my house was always tidy and on the sterile side, staged for something but I was never clear what that something was.
Funny thing--this shifting of values and objects evolved naturally and my house has again turned into a home.
Ben's health is good and we're both happy. Eventually he'll move on and he'll leave me with good memories.
In the meantime, if he develops any more hobbies, he will have to utilize the garden shed and it will be up to him to figure out where the contents of that will go.

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