Thursday, January 5, 2012


Aw performed her wondrous cooking for Thai New Year, celebrated in Kitchener, Ontario.
Our time is twelve hours behind Thailand time, so we gathered at Aw's house at 11:30 in the morning and at noon the festivities began.

She Skypes the relatives while we're making the food evaporate and she tries to get used to the way North American eat; apparently we eat a lot. It's her fault--she's a fabulous cook.

Shortly after she arrived here I took her to a mall food court to check out Thai meals Canadian style . I sat her at a table and brought back the food and the look on her face was a study.
She marched to the food counter and said indignantly to the server, "That's not Thai food."  
Now that was a lost cause because the server had never eaten Thai food although her roots were from that area.

That's okay Awesome--you're maintaining the tradition in Canada and we are only too happy to act as your faithful slavering critics.

Another bonus for this early celebration is  that if you are really young and like noise, shouting, loud music and excessive alcohol, you can still make the party that evening.

The rest of us kick back in front of the telly in our jammies, eating the last of the chocolate rosebuds before it's time to knock off the extra Christmas weight.

Happy New Year to you.

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