Saturday, January 21, 2012

Kwan Yin

This is Kwan Yin, considered to be the goddess of women everywhere. This is the Thai version, a gift from my sweet daughter-in law Aw  and in her country the goddess is called Kuon Eim.
The story varies with each culture but in all she has the deepest love and compassion and would sacrifice herself for others.
When Aw's English gets a tad more advanced, I will learn her version of this goddess's powers. There is a place for incense sticks (you must only burn three, says Aw).
The jar in her hand is for  pure water and the green stalk is a willow branch.
Aw and I learn from one another; I tell her about the gods worshipped here and she tells me more of her Buddhist gods.
In the meantime each morning I greet this special porcelain lady when I come downstairs and I feel stronger in her care.

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