Friday, January 13, 2012

Something New

Ever since my small glass-topped kitchen table exploded last summer, I've been searching for a the perfect replacement.

I concentrated on finding a glass top that wouldn't blast apart because of frequent heat and cold and apparently laminated glass is the answer.

There seems to be a general consensus among furniture dealers that people do not live alone, therefore rendering small tables unecessary,  besides  taking up valuable floor space. 

That kind of thinking made my quest really annoying, especially since I do not like to shop. I know what I want, so show me and I can get out of there.
Then I happened in one of those everything- you- don't really- need shops  and there it was--a bistro table and stool; I hadn't thought of that but the table was just the right size to hold a plate and a book.

Okay, I didn't ask about the quality of the glass but it's plate glass and I'll hope it remains steadfast.

I can sit at a normal level or hike the chair and table up to cocktail serving size. I stopped drinkling cocktails and other hard stuff a few years ago but my diet coke looks just fine perched up there..

The best part of this is that I don't have to go into any more stores until the next calamity and the new furniture gives a nice hard edge to my black and chrome kitchen.

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