Thursday, January 26, 2012

January Garden

This is the trellis garden last summer, full of transient horseradish and any other greenery brave enough to fight their way in..
Here it is today, having a winter rest.
So what is this? Well, on top of the shed is the retired bird house with its roof hanging ajar.
The raised beds are waiting out the season and those bags, ah those bags. they are stuffed full of mulch and waiting for the moment when they come into play.
In a perfect world I would have stored them in the shed but (a) they're too heavy to move around and (b) I lost interest in moving them.
I like seeing them each day when I look out the window; they're ready for that moment when the bed is popping up shoots and  need a little protection from the sun.
And we all know that if company is coming and you want to put on a good garden face, a spreading of mulch will hide a multitude of garden sins.
In my younger days I would have hauled mulch back from the woods but now I buy it in bags.
Just as long as it gets the job done....

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