Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Spring To-Do List In The Making

See that pile of snow to the right of the shed? I have plans for that. Last summer my grandson dug out part of the lawn when it was replaced by bricks.  He piled the dirt over by the shed while I thought about it. By the time winter's done,  the soil will be yummy and I'll ask him to scooch it over to cover the raised beds.
I guess you may have noticed the scraggly leaves in the foreground. I lack interest in yard clean-up in the fall but am really gung-ho in the spring, as soon as there are signs of thaw.
Before long the leaves will be tidied and I'll be happily mucking around out there in my gum boots.
This is what makes Ontario winters bearable--the blue skies and we get a lot of them.
As a child in Vancouver I remember the endless dreary rainy days, although our spring bulbs popped early and here we're still wondering where our bulbs are located.
My window refused to open so there is a reflection from the indoor shot.
Now I am  giving some thought to planting  spinach in a deck planter and keeping it from being frozen while it grows.

I think I'm having premature spring fever.

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