Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A Canadian / Thai Open House

Steve and Aw have been in their apartment for a month now and already they have more friends than the rest of us so it seemed right to have an Open House to commemorate the new place and Christmas.

Aw is a Buddhist and Christmas celebrations are a new concept to her. However Thais are extremely sociable and family-oriented and she quickly figured it all out
These people string up colored lights,chop down a tree to use for a week, run around looking worried while they shop and eat huge amounts of food, then so be it.

She opted for serving what she knows and it was a treat for all of us. I peeked in the kitchen and her fingers were flying.

The big round coffee table was loaded with delicacies we couldn't name but were indescribably good and when the room thinned out she called us to sample a multi-course dinner she had miraculously assembled.

This is the presentation before we demolished it. A hint of fresh ginger here, there a chili paste that waters your eyes. Not everything was spicy; just a nice sampling of mild and pungent.
Watching her cut vegetables is an art in itself; you swear it can't be done but she deftly slices away and a mound of exquisitely sliced green onions and red peppers appear.

Aw, you've enriched our lives--and our palates.

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