"you'll get a brain abscess and die," warned his sister.
"You're killing me", I lamented in motherly fashion.
"Stevie, get it fixed," cautioned his loving Aw.
Finally Mother Nature prevailed; his face swelled and there was pain, lots of pain.
Aw and I drove him to the dentist office at eight o'clock this morning. Eight. He'll pay for that, yes he will.
Just think how you'd feel if you glanced at your seat companion and this is what you saw. Before daylight, let alone breakfast.
While he was down the hall, Aw and I did catch up with the fashions in Elle magazine, enough to know there are several models who will soon break their necks if they try wearing those silly four-inch-heel snow boots in Ontario.
The dentist removed the tooth painlessly (it had broken in two) and now Steve is ready to face the world like a real person without a hole in his head.
And how was your morning?
My morning was much better than that! I don't know which seems more painful, by the way... Steve's jaw or snow boots with 4 inch heels. (Both made me cringe a bit!) Hope he heels up soon.
Poor Steve! I trust he's feeling better and getting spoiled (after paying for that early morning, of course).
let's see--he's a carpenter. What could I possibly ask him to do? I believe I have a list of several hundred ideas.
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