Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Dust Bunnies Are Gathering

I can't stop to dust if there are things to see and do.

This planter on the deck is at its best right now. I brought the geraniums along from previous winters (stored in plastic bags in the garage).

A friend's hundred-year plus barn is on its way to being dismantled. It was constructed entirely without nails and there would have been a barn-raising when it was built.

Then there's the corn. I'm originally a city girl and I've passed a zillion corn fields on my travels but have never closely inspected the mechanics and this was my chance. isn't that clever? The corn fastens onto the stalk and remains safely intact until picking time.

The cactus is settling in nicely and so far no one has stepped on it while viewing the pond.

The surprise about the roses is that my garden is pesticide- free and look at those leaves--not a sign of a bug. It's just luck but I'm happy.

Everything planted in the berm has thrived. I love the pumpkin and envision a jack-o-lantern at Hallowe'en time and a pumpkin pie to boot.

Now you see why there's no time to dust.

1 comment:

bozoette said...

I can practically smell that rose!