Wednesday, May 17, 2006

No Beckhams As Yet.

I drove my ten-year old Grandkid Elise to play her first soccer game last night.

Naturally we had the rain of all rains; in fact serious people would have set to work building an ark.

This picture shows nothing of the action but this was the only moment the rain let up.

There's a rule--the game is played unless there is lightning. Nothing else counts although they might pause for a cyclone passing through.

The kids were a polite group at first. The ball fell within kicking distance of four of them and they paused as if to say, "Okay, you first." It's only a matter of time before they attack any shins in their way.

A sneaky channel opened in my rain coat and a small river ran endlessly down my back and I did fervently hope they didn't run past two innings or whatever they call it with a long snack pause in between.

But you know what? It was fun. She had a grand time, her cheeks were flushed and she shows every sign of being a good player.

Tonight I take another grandchild to her game. The weather report promises more of last night's menu.

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