Thursday, September 19, 2013

weather patterns

The new weather patterns persist: it's mid September and the nights are dark early, the mornings are cold, we've had our first frost and the leaves are just beginning to change color. In fact, in my neighborhood the leaves are still resolutely green. this is different--generally by this time of year, fall is more established as far as color changes go. This is what was described to me as a native Lobelia. Generally when plants are described as "native" you can expect them to grow widely in all directions and put up roots seven houses away. So far this plant has behaved fairly well and the flowers are like the Lobelia's second cousin, once removed.
The Colchicums are blooming and charming as always. I love the way they simply appear on a fall morning and stick around until they fear frostbite and then quietly slip back into the earth for another season. Soon it will be time to pack things away and winter-proof the awnings. The trick is to find a day when your fingers aren't blue and stiff with cold. Or find a strong helper with calloused winter-resistant hands. I like the latter choice.

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