Thursday, August 2, 2012

My Short Adventure With The Slots

For the first time ever I went to the slots.
Picture this--a vast dark room with flashing lights, everywhere you  look slot machines and virtually everyone in my age group. Like, old.

Walkers, wheel chairs and a variety of expressions-- wistful, grim, excited, the whole schmeer.  
By checking the players on each side of me, I could see that one dollar wouldn't do, so I inserted a five dollar bill in the one cent machine and played. I have no idea what constituted a win but I piled up (sort of) nickels and dimes until I was a dollar ahead.

Good enough.
I punched out to collect my six dollars and was ready to leave. Fifteen minutes had gone by since we entered. It seemed longer.

My companions were not in party-pooper mode and happily continued on in their fashion.
Each put in twenty dollars  and kept playing until they were out of money; Mind you there are "wins" along the way, but stay at it long enough and the money is gone.

 They urged me to lose  play my six dollars and I did until it was all gone and then we left.

It's abundantly clear that I am not of the gambling persuasion. Perhaps in another life I had been a thrifty social worker or, god forbid, a money lender.

Anyway, I'm wired to be a saver.

I guess a trip to Vegas isn't in my future.

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