Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My Garden Giant

My Oriental rhubarb is off and running, flexing its muscles and crowding the other plants out of  the raised bed.

In the old days when I grew regular rhubarb Ì`d stew it with a few dollops of sugar and serve it to the kids and that wasn't a tearing success but they did like it in pies.

I got to wondering whether my Giant Gunnera is edible and  if you happen to live in Chili or Argentina then  feel free to cook and eat it, or make liquor out of it or even a few jars of marmalade.

In southern Africa its used for medicine, although there is no explanation about what part of the body It might benefit.

I don't think I`ll experiment on this.

My plant leaves disappear to the roots every winter and  start up again in the spring. If it had the opportunity to grow year-round, I might feel like a Hobbit in my little patch of paradise..

Mine is a handsome plant  and  seems happy here so to be on the safe side Ill just keep it out of the kitchen.

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