Friday, July 3, 2009

Varmints and Canada Day

I made this cake for the annual Canada Day family party and they all agreed the maple leaf in the center looked suspiciously like Cannabis.
It's a jelly bean Canadian flag is what is is.

On an entirely different matter, some critter chewed right through this heavy- duty plastic barrel that stored the bird seed.

Personally I blame the squirrels. I used to love the little beasts before I moved to Toronto, where they are in almost as large supply as pigeons.
There is absolutely nothing lovable about a squirrel. Albert Schweitzer would have been hard-pressed to think of something nice to say about the litle rodents.
Anyway, when I packed up and moved from Toronto a few miles west to Waterloo, you'd think I left a trail of bread crumbs and now they're here. Multi generations of them.
I bought a steel can for the bird seed. let's see them rack up a dental bill on that.


Jay said...

Personally I think it looks like the work of a raccoon or even a fox.

Jay said...

Personally I think it is the work of a raccoon or even a fox.

J.P. said...

yikes--I haven't seen any racoons around.
I'd better arm my pond fish with bite-proof jackets.