Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Eyes Have It

Today is cataract surgery day and I'm curious about many things:

How is it that one sits (lies?) quietly, fully conscious while this is being done?
wouln't I try to move my head the way we try in the dentist chair?
what if I sneeze?

I asked my pals who have had it done.
"Well, it doesn't hurt."
"It's not too bad."
They got full marks in the totally clueless department, so I'm left believing they dope us to the gills and we don't care what's being done.

Did you know the new lens they install is not human? I always thought they were, as we politely say, donated.

I did get over the fear of eye drops; twitching anything close to the eye gave me the willies.
A good cure for that is to take three different kinds of drops four times a day.
Now I'm a pro.

So, I'll go have this adventure today and report back tomorrow.

The big question--will I see better?

1 comment:

Lovey Dovey said...

Good luck with the surgery. I'm a bit squeamish when it comes to eyes, but from what I've heard this surgery is quick and painless. I know you'll feel/see better when it's all over :)