Monday, May 21, 2007

Spring Hasn't Sprung

The good news is that our winter was delayed until mid- January and the bad news is that spring has been delayed also and today I turned on the furnace to keep from developing frostbite. Okay, maybe a minor chillblane.

The tulips were beating their little chests with pride this time last year.

And here they are this morning, looking pretty sad.

The pom- pom tree was spilling over the fence nicely last May.

But so far it's put all it's energy into shivering.

this is called The Graveyard because the soil is so lush, quite different from the other parts of the garden.
This was its first planting last year.

Now it is living up to expectations and is bulking out nicely this year

I wonder what did go into enriching this soil?

1 comment:

Steven said...

All I know is your garden looks amazing to me. I looked out the basement window the other day and saw a rabbit, several sparrows fighting over the bird feeder and a yellow bird of some kind; not to mention the morning doves. Somebody seems to have gotten the word that your garden is the place to be. Enjoy!