Sunday, October 29, 2006

Now this Is neighborly

I am the world's luckiest woman--I have a car mechanic I can trust.

Ron was my next-door neighbor when I first moved to Waterloo.

He was a motor mechanic with a dream to own his own shop and when my car needed servicing he'd drive it to work and return it at the end of the day, work done and bill in hand.

What a perfect arrangement.

Today, Ron owns his own shop in nearby New Hamburg and I wouldn't let anyone else tend my car. Unfortunately now I have to do the driving to the shop, about twenty minutes away in good weather.

He has a dry wit and speaks sparingly and you might be deceived into believing he doesn't get much done. In fact, he is superbly organized and his mind races well ahead of his dialogue.

This is Kathy, Ron's wife. she does all the office work; ordering, picking up supllies,accounting, everything Ron isn't doing. There are two little boys to manage as well.

The station is set back from the highway and there's still lots of country around.

I'd been a city girl before moving out here and Ron was my first introduction to small town kindness.

His tiny office area generally holds one or two visitors, chatting and observing "out-of-towner" like me. I made their day with the picture-taking and describing what a blog is.

I hope he stays put now; I'm not sure the car and I could manage a longer distance.

1 comment:

bozoette said...

A good mechanic is a rare and precious thing!