Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I refer to these babies almost every day. Three of them do their best to prevent me from mangling the English language and the fourth, The iron Wall, is my serious attempt to try to figure out the Israeli/Arab ongoing torment.It's slow going, for me and for them.

The second lot of books are beside the bed and I keep them on hand for that throat- clutching time when the weather is awful,I'm out of library books and none of the old faithfuls will do .

Shirley Maclaine and I follow the same path, although in the interpretation, one of us zigged and the other zagged.

Author Ross Thomas wrote the most stylish books ever dealing with fictional American politics and spies his style, with lots of intrigue and interchangeable good and bad guys. Delicious. He died a few years ago and I am slowly buying all of his titles online.


bozoette said...

Woe Is I is one of my all-time favorites, along with Strunk and White and The Transitive Vampire (Karen Elizabeth Gordon -- best examples EVER).

J.P. said...

Since I am seriously addicted to buying books, I am about to order The Transitive Vampire. Great title. Thanks.cvc