Sunday, September 11, 2005

Let's SkipWinter

This bear used to earn his keep as a pool thermometer and when I moved to this pool-free house, I brought him along to reside in the fish pond.
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Julius likes the company and sometimes hitches a ride on his raft to chug around together, but never in time for a photo op.
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this is the way Julius greeted me first thing this morning. Too bad he can't talk. I haven't even heard a croak yet.
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The geraniums are the garden work horses; the always look good and bloom until winter taops them on the shoulder.
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Judging by the thermometer, summer is carrying on a while longer and I say amen to that.
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~~ Melissa said...

Julius is such a poser!

Steven said...

It is amazing how animals adopt you Mom. That pond is looking better and better.