Thursday, August 29, 2013

Micro Harvest Time

 My favorite blogs are displaying  lavish bounties of fruit and veggies with  not a weed in sight.
What can I say? Some of us have such plans but the actual product doesn't quite add up to expectations
Tiny as it is,  I'm thrilled with my harvest. Why yesterday I yanked out three bunches of garlic and they are curing nicely on the picnic table.
I've racked up four- score plus years and don't feel two score of them, but I must admit it takes longer to get things done.
Now about that picture above.
Two years ago I planted the baby peach tree and the yield was rather slim, mostly because of the little rodents who took a bite out of each peach.
This year I fastened netting to the tree and it kept marauders out but sadly, also damaged some bird's wings.
No more nylon netting

Every family has a resident chipmunk. Chip-punk, as my daughter calls them.
This little guy waited patiently to see what I would leave for him and a few morsels dropped at this feet.

If I am lucky enough to move to the new family compound, okay, a small house with large expectations,  I plan to sit majestically on the deck and instruct my flesh and blood to do the scut work.

I have such lovely plans.

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