Early on, I carefully snipped off the bottom leaves of the tomato plants, ensuring stronger growth at the top.
But then, summer intervened in the form of nearby tornadoes (a good excuse to hide inside),or it rained enough to keep the farmers happy or it was to darned hot to do any more than admire the garden.
Oh I admit the garden was a little on the overrun side, but it looked good to me.
this morning I took a bowl out to see if I had enough Romas to whip us some salsa and sure enough, I did. These guys were pretty well hidden in the bottom where I had neglected to snip for quite some time.
They don't look the least bit runty to me.
While I was at it, I found an eggplant growing nicely in the shade of the tomatoes.
This is what I like about gardening; you do as much as you can or as little and there are still rewards.