Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Perfect Mother's day

Despite a looming deadline with his publisher, number five son came to my rescue on Mother's Day.

While planning for our short-season planting schedule, and in a manic moment, I bought the makings to build four raised beds to cover a lot of the boggy garden.
In real life, the beans are supposed to cling to a trellis, not a life preserver.

Little problem--I'm an inept builder, so I shamelessly scouted around for help.

My radar fixed on Number Five, who fought frigid weather and spitting rain to finish the most important planter (there are shrubs sitting naked, waiting to get back into the earth).

In two weeks and counting he promises to return to finish the others.

We eventually retired to his place where his understanding wife prepared her own Mom's Day meal and it was a thing of beauty. I'll do my best make that up to her.

A great Mother's Day it was.

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