The house-bound mind searches for ways to keep others busy, especially when one's carpenter son drops by and really doesn't need the aggravation.
"Stevie," I said-- okay I wheedled, "would you mind just chopping a little hole in this wall between the kitchen and the garage? I want a nice little cubby to store all my small appliances".
Luckily for me, Steve likes chopping holes in walls.All carpenters and firemen do.
Once he got over the idea my appliances were mouse-sized he really opened up that sucker and here he is looking out from the kitchen into the garage. it was bitterly cold outside and I assured him he was lucky to be working indoors. Sort of.
So a couple of days later I have my nice new cubby.
And Steve found himself insulating part of the garage to keep the cubby warm and under code. Then while he was here anyway, he fixed the downstairs shower and painted three rooms and one ceiling.
Tomorrow he is going to a job that pays him and he should be safe from my winter thoughts.
That looks great! Tell Steve for me that his talent is amazing. Also, that I think of him often and hope he is doing well.
I have had to curtail writing as I am just so distracted by my father's health. He is declining rapidly and requiring so much care.
Wishing you a quick end to winter, good health and pats to the "boys".
I could use a couple of cubbies like that! Oh wait -- I'd be burrowing into the neighbor's house. Better rethink that.
Hey bozoette:
Just like the commercial with the medicine cabinets.
As long as they're really, really good neighbors.
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