Sunday, November 11, 2007

My Hero the Hibiscus

My Hibiscus is a sweet guy--he blooms mightily during the summer on the back deck. No surprise there; we'd be surprised if he didn't.

The good part is that when I lug him into the kitchen for the winter he gets into high gear and blooms his heart out all winter long.
Now is that cooperative or what?
He's pushed out of the way so Max can perch on the garbage pail and catch any outside action while Harry supervises from below.

I mean, nice dry leaves will be rustling past and then it's cat frenzy time.
We have to find different amusement when the weather turns bleak.
their all-time favorite is to watch the wrapping around the barbecue tear loose in a windstorm.
We get our jollies anyway we can during the winter.

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