Friday, February 10, 2006

Winter Gremlins At Work

The bedroom walls need a change of color. The previous owner chose a deep browny-red and since I like intense colors, this worked well for a time.

Now it's time for that brown tone to go and make it more of a deep rose.

Or Wedgewood Blue?

The paint samples were taped to the wall and I studied them for days.
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The rejects were piling up fast but nothing seemd quite right.
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I was down to two shades of rose when I realized I was done with rose. finished. kaput.

I picked Persian Melon. It's one of the deep yellows, second from the left on the wall. I've never been a yellow person until recently.

Blame it on the winter gremlins.

1 comment:

bozoette said...

Ooh! Sunshiney!