Let's see-- my son the carpenter is coming to visit. How can I keep him busy? He sort of thought that visiting the kinfolk would be nice and perhaps tour the town, things like that.
I assured him he could do those things but first would he please take a minute to install laminate flooring in the living/dining room and while he's at it just do the stairs as well.
Before he arrived my faithful helper ripped up the broadloom in the living/dining room and we smoothed out the sub floor, removing all staples and wayward nails. Harry liked sleeping on the rolled-up carpet.
The she ripped up the carpet stairs. I hated that came-with-the-house carpet even before I saw it in a movie theater lobby and I'm positive it haunts many a funeral home.
The family room took the overflow of livng room debris and we had to pick our way around carefully. I still got the tree up though.
This is the weather the day we drove to the airport to pick up Steve.It took us two tries before we dared to attempt the highway. We’d had fall weather up to then and the next day was fall weather again. I hope he didn't see it as an omen.
This is Steve’s first day visiting me.
He departed yesterday and when the furniture is back in place I'll show you the results.
Okay, he didn't tour the town but I did have the relatives over to visit with him while the glue was setting.
God bless amiable children.